GSC meetings are open to everyone, but only GSC members can vote. Furthermore, any representative may pose a topic to the council by adding it to the agenda before the following general body meeting.
Day(s) Before General Body Meeting
Add ideas or issues to the agenda by contacting any member of the executive board.
Week Before General Body Meeting
Receive voting credentials and meeting information via email.
Day Before General Body Meeting
Agenda is finalized and sent out to representatives.
During General Body Meeting
President begins the meeting.
Vote on publishing the previous month’s meeting minutes.
Vote on approving current meeting’s agenda.
Vote on publishing the previous month’s budget.
Items from the agenda are discussed and voted on.
Vote on any financial requests.
Discussion on anonymous submissions.
Vote on concluding meeting.
The GSC follows Robert’s Rules of Order for in-meeting participation. In general, there are three guiding principles to our meetings. First, everyone has the right to participate in discussion if they wish, before anyone may speak a second time. Second, everyone has the right to know what is going on at all times. Third, only one motion may be discussed at a time.
To bring something before the council, representatives need to make a motion.
Wait until there are no motions being discussed (“on the table”).
Raise your hand and ask the president for recognition.
If recognized, state your motion.
Wait for the motion to be seconded (if required).
Discuss or amend the motion as needed.
Dispose of the motion through voting (if required).
Main Motions
These motions may be introduced if no other motions are currently pending.
Discuss something new with the council.
"I move to..."
✅ Requires second
✅ Debatable
✅ Amendable
✅ Majority vote -
End the meeting.
“I move to adjourn."
✅ Requires second
❌ Debatable
✅ Amendable
✅ Majority vote -
Wait a while to discuss the current motion.
"I move to lay the question on the table"
✅ Requires second
❌ Debatable
❌ Amendable
✅ Majority vote -
Stop debating the current motion.
"I move the previous question."
✅ Requires second
❌ Debatable
❌ Amendable
✅ 2/3rds vote -
Change the wording of the current motion.
"I move to amend the motion by..."
✅ Requires second
✅ Debatable
✅ Amendable
✅ Majority vote -
Throw away the current motion forever.
"I move that the motion be postponed indefinitely."
✅ Requires second
✅ Debatable
❌ Amendable
✅ Majority vote -
Make sure the rules are being enforced.
"Point of Order."
✅ Requires second
✅ Debatable
❌ Amendable
✅ Majority vote -
Continue discussing something that was temporarily laid aside.
"I move to take from the table..."
✅ Requires second
❌ Debatable
❌ Amendable
✅ Majority vote -
Cancel the previous action.
"I move to rescind..."
✅ Requires second
✅ Debatable
✅ Amendable
✅ 2/3rds vote -
Reconsider a motion already disposed of.
"I move to reconsider... "
✅ Requires second
❌ Debatable
❌ Amendable
✅ Majority vote
Secondary/Incidental Motions
These motions arise incidentally and are decided immediately. You are permitted to interrupt the current speaker to bring one of these motions to the table.
Make sure we’re following the agenda.
"I call for the orders of the day."
❌ Requires second
❌ Debatable
❌ Amendable
❌ Any vote -
Take a break.
"I move to recess for..."
✅ Requires second
❌ Debatable
✅ Amendable
✅ Majority vote -
Make a complaint about the current motion.
"I rise to a question of privilege."
❌ Requires second
❌ Debatable
❌ Amendable
❌ Any vote -
Suspend the current rules.
"I move to suspend the rules."
✅ Requires second
❌ Debatable
❌ Amendable
✅ 2/3rds vote -
Stop considering the current motion.
"I object to the consideration of the question."
❌ Requires second
❌ Debatable
❌ Amendable
✅ 2/3rds vote -
Want more information.
"Point of information."
❌ Requires second
❌ Debatable
❌ Amendable
❌ Any vote